Friday, September 12, 2008

Funny Kids

It seems like this is the week of laughs. I thought I'd add a few posts of the kids making me laugh! Enjoy!

Aspen and Kyler enjoying a cantaloupe smile!

Jordan "loading" the dishwasher, complete with Daddy's shoes!

Ryden and the smile reformation. For those of you who have tried to take pictures with Ryden in them, you'll be glad to know he's starting to master the picture-perfect smile! Enjoy this video.

And....(drum roll, please!)...Here it is, the photo we've all been waiting for! Ryden's smile on camera!


Tauna said...

cute kids. I just want to pinch Jordan's cheeks and eat Ryden for dinner.

Kerri said...

If you do, Tauna, just remember Brent's advise of coating him in flour so the baby fat doesn't stick to you :)

Janae--the pics/vid of Ryden are sooo funny! had me laughing outloud!

Darla Pierre said...

I cannot believe how grown up your kids look! They are so cute! I sure do miss you! call me sometime. or send me your number so I can call you! Thanks!

The Burgoynes said...

Hee hee hee! Those are great!

Thanks for the laughs