Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Snow Globes

One of the traditions we've grown to love about Denver is the snow globe display at a local mall here. It's a lot like the Marshall Fields' Christmas Windows for those of you from Chicago. The perk, though, is that they're located inside instead of outside. A big perk if you ask me. Well, 3 years ago, when we came to visit my brother for Thanksgiving, we went and saw the snow globes. That year the theme was "The Chronicles of Narnja". I remembered it and couldn't wait for them to start this year. This year the theme is "Polar Express". We went this week with our playgroup. It was so well done. Each globe had a button you could push and something would happen. One globe showed a portion of the movie. Another had Tom Hanks voice calling, "All Aboard". Another showed the ticket with the word "Believe" punched out. The third snow globe was big enough for you to walk through. As you walked through, snow fell from above. Naturally, this was the kids' favorite one. They played in it forever, never tiring of the snow falling down. Ironically, as we walked through the mall, one woman asked us if it was really snowing that hard outside!! I had to laugh. Apparently, she hadn't been to the other side of the mall yet!

Anyway, check out the photos and then get really tempted to come for Christmas. We promise to take you! That's an invitation and a plea!

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