Thursday, February 12, 2009

Homemade Christmas Gifts

This was the year of Homemade Christmas gifts. Like so may people this year, we found ourselves looking for inexpensive ways to celebrate Christmas. I'm so glad. It brought back so many great memories of making presents for my siblings. Ryden made a wallet card for Dad...a credit card covered in a collage of pictures of his kids so he can always have their pictures close at hand. Aspen made a pencil holder made out of a peach can, but plastered with pictures of the kids. Kyler drew a beautiful picture. The kids made each other fleece scarves, hats and mittens. Ryden made Kyler and Aspen tooth-fairy pillows and Kyler made Ryden a hand-drawn village mat, complete with Fire Station, the bank, the school, our house, Sierra's house and much more. All of the kids made soap for their teachers. It was so much fun spending so much time helping the kids get into the spirit of Christmas. I honestly think I won't go back to store bought gifts. It just meant so much more this year.

As for Enoch and I, our favorite gift to give was the doll house we bought at a garage sale for $6. We then wallpapered it with scrapbook paper, carpeted it with hand towels and painted the accent walls. You have to check it out.

Then for Aspen's birthday, the boys made her furniture. They were all so cute. I even slipped into her room on Christmas day to play with it for a little bit. It took me back to those days when I was a little girl dreaming of a gorgeous dollhouse. I remember the day my brothers gave me one. It was magical. Somehow, I still love those things.


Tauna said...

I'm in love with that bathtub. So great!

Jenn said...

That is the cutest thing I've ever seen! I'm so impressed with your creativity.

Brent said...

Let's not forget the homeade and free gifts you gave us this year:
-Full-sized bed from craigslist plus log frame from a neighbor including several hours to reduce the frame from king/queen to full. It is perfect for Talon's room and he loves it!
-Couch and loveseat from craigslist to replace our family room furniture
-Border for Settlers/Cities & Knights made by copying yours, gluing it to matte board, and painfully (still, I think) cutting it out by hand. It is so exact you must have used an exact-o knife.
-Bath paints for Sierra
-"warm things" for all--microwavable rice bags to put under the covers at night
-recipes for Kai plus the secret ding-dong-ditch goodie deliveries just for him
-Cool things to do and make for Renen
-I'm sure I am forgetting something

It was all amazing. I don't know how you guys had any time to do it all and add on what you did for your family and others.



ANGiE said...

very cool...i'm impressed with the doll house. mike made our girls a barbie house last year for christmas but i BOUGHT the furniture. i didn't even atempt to make it...great creativity guys!

Braden and Cheri said...

oh my goodness. My dollhouse would NEVER look like that. That is gorgeous!!! And the furniture! WOW!

ANGiE said...

I know this post is decades old but I just have to say that I LOVED the creativity and ingenuity of all of the homemade gifts. I'm sure it was MUCH more meaningful! Thanks for sharing!